Raising Readers is ending March 31st 2024. Click here for the most up to date information.

6 Reading Resolutions for the New Year

| Early Literacy, Help Your Child Get Ready to Read, Tips

Since it’s a brand new year, you may be thinking about New Year’s resolutions for your family. Does your family have a goal to adopt healthier habits? Do you think about reducing screen time? Or would you like to spend more time together? How about doing all three? Consider making Reading Resolutions for the New Year.

Read a book—here, there, and everywhere!

Any time reading aloud to your child is time well-spent, whether it’s at your local library or when you’re on the move. They will love the time they have your undivided attention or when they get a change of scenery from the same old bedtime routine (though bedtime reading is engaging, too!). To make life a little easier, here’s a list of a few resolutions to help add more reading to your and your child’s day. To download or print these New Year’s Resolutions, click on any of the images below for a PDF version. Or, click here to print all 6.

Does your family have your own reading resolutions? Share them on the Raising Readers Facebook page or email them to info@raisingreaders.org. We and other families would love to hear from you!