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3 Ways to Encourage Reading On The Go – Fill Wait Time with Reading!

| Tips

Reading on the go is fun! Encourage your child to read by playing these fun games next time you’re in a line or waiting room.

Finding things to pass even a short wait can be challenging with little ones. You’ll find yourself trying to keep kids engaged in all types of situations, from waiting for the doctor to standing on line at the grocery store.

Here are some fun, easy activities that take advantage of your surroundings and can keep kids occupied and interested. Keeping kids active and engaged helps their brains develop and gets them ready to read. The more stimulation and interaction that a child has with their environment (being read to, talked to, playing) the stronger the connections, or wiring, in the brain become.

1. I’m Thinking of a … I Spy_Pony

Think of an animal. Have your child guess what animal it is by giving clues. “I’m thinking of an animal. It lives on a farm and has four legs.” Many children’s books feature funny animal stories. Choose an animal that you may have recently read about to remind your child about how much fun it was to read the book. Making books fun is an important part of getting a child to love to read.

2. Letter Hunt

Words and letters are all around us, all the time. See if you can find the letters of the alphabet in order by spying them in your environment. If your child isn’t sure about what a letter looks like, point it out and then see if your child can find it elsewhere. Always be encouraging and positive. For example, if they point to a wrong letter, tell them “No, that’s a B. Can you find a D?” and point out the difference between the two letters.

3. Rhyme Time

See if your child can rhyme with you. “See if you can think of a word that has an ending part like BAT. Something like CAT. What else can you think of?” Encourage them to sound out the rhyming part of the word. If they have trouble, suggest words and ask them if they rhyme. Sometimes use words that don’t rhyme. “Does dog rhyme with cat? No? What about bat?” Make suggestions.

Share ways you fill wait time by leaving a comment on our Facebook page. Other parents and caregivers will benefit from your experience!

Additional resources:

Everyday Reading Opportunities
Reading Tips for Parents of Toddlers
Reading Tips for Parents of Preschoolers