4 Easy Ways to Make Reading a Healthy Habit in 2017
December 22, 2016 | Reading, Early Literacy, Reading Aloud
As a parent, you may think about the usual suspects when it comes to New Year’s Resolutions. Maybe your family’s goal is to adopt a healthier lifestyle, reduce screen time, or spend more time together. What if we told you there were New Year’s resolutions that are healthy for your child’s brain, allow more time to spend with your little one, and are fun! Here’s a hint: your child’s doctor encourages you to do this activity daily.
The answer: read a book—here, there, and everywhere. The best time spent reading all year is the reading time you share with your child. Here are a few resolutions to help make reading a healthy habit for your family in 2017.
If you think a little reminder would help you stick to your reading resolution, click here for a downloadable version of the 4 listed above.
If you’ve reached these goals already, consider making your own New Year’s reading resolution. Or, consider asking for your child’s help in creating one together. And if you do, we hope you’ll share them with us on Facebook or Instagram.