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Author: Ian Falconer

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ISBN: 9780689829536

Publisher: Atheneum Books for Young Readers

Binding: Hardcover

Year Distributed: 2001 - 2003

Availability: Past Books

Themes/Topics: Books & Reading, Animals

It's everyone's favorite pig--it's OLIVIA! Join Olivia as she. dresses up, sings songs, builds sand castles, naps (maybe), dances, paints on walls and—whew!—finally goes to sleep at last.

Age Group 3 years

What’s Happening at this Age

  • Knowing the correct way to hold and handle a book
  • Understanding that words are read from left to right and pages are read from top to bottom
  • Starting to notice words that rhyme and enjoys participating in rhyming games
  • Retelling stories
  • Recognizing some of the letters of the alphabet
  • Starting to match letter sounds to letters (like knowing b makes a /b/ sound)
  • May start to recognize their name in print and other often-seen words, like those on signs
  • Beginning to understand that print carries a message

Your child has been hearing and studying the sounds of words for quite a while now. One of the tasks of emergent literacy is to be able to hear individual sounds, to make sounds, and to put sounds together to make words. When we start to play with the letters of our language, we can help our children learn that each letter represents a unique sound or sounds and when we put letters together, they can make different sounds. This is necessary for learning to read. Playing with the sounds of words by singing, reading rhyming books and playing word games can help your child master these letter-sound connections and put them on a path to reading success!

Click here to see a full list of milestones for your 3-year-old as well as tips and activities for you and your child!


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