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Baby Faces
Author: Margaret Miller
ISBN: 9781416978879
Publisher: Little Simon
Binding: Board Book
Year Distributed: 2010 - 2011
Availability: Past Books
Themes/Topics: Feelings, Babies
This book presents photographs of babies with facial expressions that show a range of different emotions.
Age Group 4 months
What’s Happening at this Age
- Beginning to swipe at books
- ‘Helping’ turn pages by batting at the book
- Laughing and making more sounds including back and forth ‘conversations’
Your baby is much more aware of the world around them now. They can turn their head toward sounds and smile or frown in response to things they hear. They’re also working to have control of their arms and hands. They may reach toward a book as you read it and try to grab it themselves. Making sure books are always within reach can help them with this. Continue to read to them and start to gently guide their hand to pat the pictures as you talk about what’s on the pages. Making reading time interactive will be thrilling for them!
Click here to see a full list of milestones for your 4-month-old as well as tips and activities for you and your baby!
Why did we select this book?
From 4 months on, babies love to look at the faces of other babies. We chose this book because it shows many baby's faces and their many emotions.
Related Activities
On each page, you can point to the baby’s eyes, nose, mouth, and ears and then show your baby those features on your face and on theirs. You can even use a mirror to show your baby their face. This will make a strong connection for your child about the things that all faces share. You can also talk about the emotions on the faces. On the “yum-yum!” page you can talk about the fact that the boy ate something he liked. Talk to your child about the things they like to eat. Your little one may not completely understand, but you are beginning to make important connections that will help your baby’s brain grow.
Our first favorite
Baby faces was probably the first favorite book of our daughter at about four months.