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Babies on the Go

Author: Linda Ashman

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ISBN: 9780152058869

Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Binding: Board Book

Year Distributed: 2009 - 2010

Availability: Past Books

Themes/Topics: Animals, Babies

Book Acticity

Babies are on the move in this exuberant rhyming celebration of all the ways animal parents carry their little ones. Babies and toddlers everywhere will love learning about how all the different babies—including humans—get around.

Age Group 2 months

What’s Happening at this Age

  • Babbling and beginning to imitate sounds
  • Smiling at the sound of familiar voices

You already know that your baby loves you! Your voice makes your baby turn their head toward you and other family members. They may even kick their legs and smile when you talk. Continuing to talk with your dear one will help them build their understanding of the sounds of our language as well as how the words go together. Simple books with one word to a page or song books can help you to have exciting things to talk about. Hold the books near your baby’s face so they can see the pictures as you point to them.

Click here to see a full list of milestones for your 2-month-old as well as tips and activities for you and your baby!

Why did we select this book?

This book was chosen for its wonderful words and rhymes like "baby strollers" and "mother's shoulders." The book is about the tenderness and care parents have for their children, whether human or animal. We chose this book to be given at the first well-child visit because it is not only a wonderful read aloud, but also about the most important thing for infants--feeling safe and loved.

Book Acticity
Related Activities

This is a book about human and animals parents keeping their babies safe and close. Holding your baby in your lap when you read to them makes them feel safe and ready to take in the experience of new words. Being close to you also allows your baby to feel the vibration of your voice, something they enjoyed in their mother’s womb.


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